
Bolivia Has A Navy?

   Bolivia Has A Navy? As we were on our way to the internet today Margaret was filling our minds with random facts and trivia information and one of them was… ¨Did you know Bolivia has a Navy?¨
This fact may not seem that dramatic but let me remind you that Bolivia is a completely land-locked country… and so their Navy is located in the only major body of water Bolivia has Lake Titicaca. What?… This does not make sense to me…
As I was reflecting on how random and pointless a Navy is for a completely land-locked country I realized how many things since I have been here in Bolivia just completely do not make sense to me.
Like how my Bolivian friends want to come to the United States to study and visit and it is nearly impossible for them to get a visa to get into our country. Or how in Bolivia adoption is taboo and so there are thousands upon thousands of children who wander the streets or sit in orphanages for their entire childhoods because it is not ¨socially acceptable¨ to adopt. Or how children live with their parents in jail.
There are hundreds of othere situations, policies and social norms that I just do not understand here. As I was getting frustrated and mad and like God ¨What the HECK!¨  I was reminded of Proverbs 3:5 ¨Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding,…¨
My own understanding says ¨this is crazy, unfair and not right!,¨ and I may be right on some of that, but I realized that I am not in control. My Father in Heaven is and He knows the plans He has for me, for our team, for Bolivia and for the World. So when things don´t make sense to me instead of reacting in anger I am trying to approach the Lord, asking Him how He is using that particular situation and how He wants to use me!

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