I post this blog out of my great love for Calie Flynn and in honor of the humor of translation.
We were at a youth servie at the little church in Kara, Kara on Saturday night, and Calie, out of her great love for me, was translating the sermon. We were sitting to the side of the santuary (I use the term loosely), and the service had been fairly long. The pastor was preaching on “appropriate dating” and such. It was at the height of the sermon. The pastor had his serious preaching voice on. Everyone was intensly listening. Calie was translating, “You have to be very carful when you are dating because…”
*Pause* The word for boys in Spanish is chicos.
*Unpause* “… you can get yourselves into trouble. Purity is a struggle for many people. Especially chickens.”
Calie and I look at each other… “Oh wait… not chickens… boys.”
Then, we lost it. Like two American´s who couldn´t handle the purity talk, we started to giggle. Everytime we would get it together, it would play again, “Especially… chickens.” It took us about 20 minutes and some stearn looks to finally recover, but it was a night well spent in Kara, Kara.
So, whenever you may be struggling with purity in your relationships, think about those chickens.